About Us About Us

About Us

The Junction Church of St. Thomas began its ministry on June 16, 1952 as First Christian Reformed Church.  It was an immigrant church reaching out to many Dutch families coming to Canada following WWII. Within five years our facility opened on 320 Elm St where we still meet today. Over the decades our ministry grew so that by 1985 a second Christian Reformed church was born known as Fellowship Church. These two churches have given birth to another church called Destination on Talbot Street. During the 1980’s there was an opportunity to reach out to the Cambodian people who were in need of refugee status following a war in their country. The Junction has a small congregation of Cambodian descent that meets regularly in our location still today. At The Junction, we are home to a ministry called Friendship, reaching out to people with disabilities. Every Wednesday evening from fall to spring, we enjoy music, songs and interactive Bibles stories and crafts, giving worship to God.

One of the labels our congregation has held for many years and maybe even still does today is that we have been known as the “Dutch” church. Although this is the root of our beginning we are very much striving to be a church for those who long to know God of every race, tribe, and nation. We believe God is clearly calling us to be a Missional Church, reaching out to our members and to the community we live in, both domestically and globally. Being missional means we live our daily lives in a Christ-like manner, embodying the obedience and compassion of Christ in the best way we can, empowered by His Holy Spirit as it lives and moves within us. To be truly missional we are committed to loving God, loving each other and loving our neighbours in a balance of harmony that is pleasing to the God we worship.

We are rooted in the Protestant Reformed faith tradition which means we believe in a family relationship with God and with each other. As a family of God we care for people and our world:  Called by God to be stewards of all that he gives us and to help each person to grow in faith as we encourage every gift God blesses us with, in the best way we can. Currently we are a blended congregation, and we are praying for new life and a new generation of believers to share the grace of God with us and to be agents of mercy reaching out to those in need, as we have been from our beginning.

Everyone is welcome to come and join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. Enjoy a coffee, fellowship, worship and community with us. You may discover this is just the faith community you have been searching for. We welcome you.

For further information check out our Mission and Vision Statements and also other ministries by following the link below.